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John Burns Wins Living Wage Leadership Award

by Burns Team Writer

John Burns, our founder and managing director, has been chosen as the winner of the Living Wage Leadership Award 2015 for the Wales region!

Since 1993 veterinary surgeon John, who developed our award-winning pet food, has helped to create much-needed employment opportunities in Carmarthenshire and beyond. Burns Pet Nutrition now employs over 110 members of staff both locally and nationally, across our office, sales, factory, warehouse, farm shop, farm and pet shop operations.

Burns Pet Nutrition was the first company in Carmarthenshire, and so far the only pet industry company, to become a Living Wage Employer. We offer an hourly rate of at least £7.85 to all employees, including apprentices. Employers choose to pay the Living Wage, which is calculated according to the basic cost of living using the ‘Minimum Income Standard’ for the UK, on a voluntary basis.

The Living Wage enjoys cross party support, with public backing from the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition and there are now over 2,000 accredited employers throughout the UK. The Living Wage Foundation awards recognise the life changing impact individuals have made by leading the way on the Living Wage Campaign within communities.

Living Wage Foundation Acting Director, Sarah Vero, said:

“Congratulations to John Burns on being named the Leadership Award winner for the Wales region. The voices of people are at the heart of our organisation, and it is wonderful to have John leading the way in Carmarthenshire. We want to celebrate the individuals making a real difference to families and communities across the UK. Thank you very much for celebrating the Living Wage.”

John Burns said:

“I wanted Burns Pet Nutrition to join the Campaign for a Living Wage to demonstrate that we are an ethical employer.  I’m honoured to receive this award and hope I can inspire many other local businesses to follow suit and pay a better wage.”

The awards are part of Living Wage Week 2015 which runs from 1st – 7th November and were judged by community leaders from Citizens UK, the national charity which launched the Living Wage campaign in 2001.