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Information for Trade

Information for Trade Customers on COVID-19

Messages will be updated sometimes hourly and are subject to change depending on latest government advice and WHO guidelines.

The current message from Burns is that we can reassure you our services are not currently being impacted due to the Covid-19 virus.


Burns is actively and continuously monitoring the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak in line with local and national authorities, public health advisories and WHO guidelines. The main emphasis is currently at containing the spread and mitigating the impact of the disease. As a result of the current global concern Burns is committed to ensuring that our employees are kept updated on actions being taken to reduce the risk of exposure, in the interest of safety for all stakeholders.

Travel and External Meetings

  • Burns employees are encouraged to utilise audio and video conference facilities where possible. Such facilities are available on site in Kidwelly HQ but also available remotely.
  • Technical support is available both onsite and remotely to all key members of the team.
  • No meetings with either customers or suppliers will be permitted on site at Burns.
  • Burns employees have been requested to postpone meetings or make alternative conference/video call arrangements.

Hygiene and Cleanliness

In line with our continued commitment to hygiene, we have implemented additional measures reiterating our strict cleanliness policies and procedures to our employees, suppliers and other visitors. Furthermore, as a precautionary measure, Burns has heightened our cleaning efforts to protect against the spread of the disease.

  • Burns has policies and procedures put in place with regards our continuous commitment to hygiene. At present it is prudent that hand washing and cleanliness is of upmost importance and the enforcement of such measures are in place to protect the whole team.
  • Hand washing is encouraged throughout the business.
  • Training material has been issued that ALL Burns employees are required to read, understand to reinforce and ensure heightened cleanliness throughout our process and within our working environment. All employees have received this training material, and this has been documented with HR.
  • Heightened cleaning measures are in place with our full time, dedicated Burns Cleaning Team frequently wiping door handles, cleaning toilet facilities and maintaining heightened hygiene standards across the business.

Deliveries to Reception and Goods In

  • All deliveries that are made to Reception are to be left in the hall. No deliveries are to be signed for by Reception staff.
  • Burns staff have been advised to avoid shaking hands with anyone from whom we are receiving a delivery or to whom we are delivering to and to respect a safe distance of 1.5m.
  • Burns staff are to refrain from using anyone else’s pens and not to let anyone use theirs.
  • Some measures we have taken include:
    • Reducing contact at the delivery point
    • Limiting contact between driver and warehouse staff (visitors to remain in cars and not to enter, toilets provided with gloves and sanitizing gel)

Supply Chain

  • Burns is working closely with and are in daily communication with key suppliers to ensure continuity of supply and effective communication throughout the supply chain.
  • At present there are no concerns with regards supply and where appropriate additional stocks have been ordered.

Communal Areas

  • Appropriate guidelines have been issued to all employees offering guidance on ensuring their own personal safety and well-being. This included maintaining a safe 2m distance from others.
  • Employees have been requested not to shake hands or have any physical contact with anyone whilst on site.


  • Burns operations staff have been segregated into smaller groups in separate areas on site. This reduces the risk of close contact contamination and ensures continuity should a group be required to self-isolate.
  • Where appropriate team members have been requested to work from home.
  • Provisions are in place should other key team members require access to work remotely where they live in households deemed at risk.
  • The shift pattern we currently operate has been reviewed and an alternative shift system is to be implemented to minimise the contact between staff. Such change will ensure continuity should a shift be required to self-isolate.
  • Provisions are in place to increase production capacity if necessary and over production of certain products has been provisioned to hold stock to meet customer requirements.

Employee Support

It is important that Burns employees are aware of and take actions to work with the business to safeguard themselves, other members of the Burns team to minimise the potential impact and spread of the virus. Employee well-being and business continuity is paramount and guidelines have been issued and explained to all members of the team.

  • All Burns employees have been issued with and been explained symptoms of COVID-19, in accordance with government guidelines, and are aware of the required actions should a member of staff be concerned with their own health or the welfare of anyone else.
  • At present Burns have no reported cases of the COVID-19 virus affecting any of our employees or supply chain. We are actively encouraging members of our team who have visited any countries outside of the UK or who may be feeling unwell, to self-isolate and not return to site.
  • We continue to work closely with our Customers and Suppliers to ensure there is no impact on operations or continuity of supply and appropriate personal, protective equipment continues to be enforced where appropriate.

The Burns Management Team is monitoring the situation and will ensure all appropriate decisions are made in a timely manner, in compliance with the general health requirements issued by local and national authorities.  At any time this information could change – keep visiting this page for latest information.